A.2) Test


    What is one of the effective contributions of the AlpES project to decision-making procedures in environmental management and territorial development?

    1. It consists in an exhaustive and interactive atlas of indicators of eight ecosystem services present in the Alps, which increase understanding at local level and allow comparisons between different Alpine municipalities and areas
    2. It is a detailed basis for further studies about climate change• It is a detailed basis for further studies of climate change
    3. It can provide useful information for calculating the economic value of Alpine ecosystem services

    Which, amongst the following, is not a step in implementing ecosystem services in environmental management and territorial development?

    1. Pointing out all the elements involved in ecosystem services definition that make decision scenarios uncertain
    2. Considering the final output of the decision process in order to understand the required level of accuracy and reliability
    3. Providing all participants in the decision-making process with a complete collection of the most recent academic articles about ecosystem services


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