This level, while providing further and detailed knowledge about ES theory, mainly on aspects involving assessment, is focused on decision-making applied to the use of the entire data provided by AlpES analysis.
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The level capitalizes on all the information acquired in the two previous ones and makes learners able to use all the AlpES tools and results, and even to define additional and more precise processing both at Alpine Space level and in a regional context.
A.1) Ecosystem Services and their connection with biodiversity and human activity
The main topics are acquiring knowledge about the interdependencies between ecosystem services and related elements of influence, such as biodiversity and approaching the concept of economic evaluation of ecosystem services benefits.
A.2) Implementation of Ecosystem Services in governance and decision-making processes
Over the last decade, scientific literature has largely debated about the role of ecosystem services in decision-making processes concerning environment management and territorial development. There is a unanimous agreement in recognizing that ecosystem services approach can help individuals and institutions to recognize the value of nature and, consequently, to have more information to better invest in conservation, fostering at the same time human well-being.